1. We believe and teach that the Holy Bible, consisting of sixty-six books, is the supreme standard of what we believe, what we practice, and how we behave in our personal and corporate life; that all other sources of knowledge and standards of beliefs and practices are subject to the authority of the Holy Bible; that whatever the Bible affirms is true.

  1. We believe and teach that God is spirit, one, and existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that there is one substance and there are three persons in the Godhead; that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct from one another, at the same time having the same substance; that the Son and the Holy Spirit are of the same substance with the Father.

  1. We believe and teach that the sovereign and eternal God, existing in three persons as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, created, out of nothing, all things visible and invisible.

  1. We believe that the sovereign and eternal God created humans as male and female in God’s image and likeness, and that hence marriage is a union between one man and one woman.

  1. We believe and teach that in the first parents all humans have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

  1. We believe and teach that God offers grace to the depraved human beings; that all those human beings who with repentant hearts accept God’s offer of salvation, mediated through Jesus Christ, shall receive God’s forgiveness, and shall be reconciled with God.

  1. We believe and teach that the eternal Son of God became the redeemer of depraved human beings; that he was set apart before the foundation of the world as the savior; that the Son of God, who became human, was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, who was a virgin; that God prepared Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross as substitutionary and as expiation for the humankind; that God raised Jesus from the dead physically; that he was taken up to heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of God, interceding on behalf of those who follow him.

  1. We believe and teach that God regenerates and reckons as righteous, or as not guilty, all those human beings, who with repentant hearts accept God’s offer of grace mediated through Jesus Christ.

  1. We believe and teach that Baptism in water is an external sign of an internal experience, and it is inseparable from the experience of regeneration; that Baptism in water is by immersion, and that every person is baptized into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  1. We believe and teach that the eternal Holy Spirit, who has been operative with the Father and with the Son in creation and in the sustenance of the universe, is in a special ministry among the disciples of Jesus Christ at present; that baptism in the Holy Spirit is distinct from the work of the Holy Spirit at the moment of regeneration and is subsequent to the experience of regeneration; that the baptism in the Holy Spirit was not for the earliest community of disciples alone, but for all disciples of Jesus Christ at all times in all places; that enduring power to bear witness, longing and empowerment for holy life, and abounding prayer and worship life, and speaking in other tongues are essential components of being filled with the Holy Spirit; that recognizing that baptism in the Holy Spirit is the gift of God, every disciple of Jesus Christ should sincerely desire and eagerly pray for this overflowing experience in the Holy Spirit believing that what happened in the first century continues to happen even today.

  1. We believe and teach that all who accept God’s offer of grace, and thus become regenerate, together make up the ecclesia of God; that the ecclesia of God is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic; that this ecclesia is found within and outside the visible Christian congregations.

  1. We believe and teach that every assembly of the disciples of Jesus Christ should observe regularly the Lord’s Supper, which is in remembrance of the sufferings of Jesus in his body and in remembrance of his blood of the covenant of grace.

  1. We believe and teach that in the ecclesia of God, every disciple of Jesus Christ is a priest; that they have direct access to God through the only mediator, Jesus Christ, and that they have the responsibility to intercede for and teach others.

  1. We believe and teach that although every disciple of Jesus Christ is a priest, God calls, sets apart, and endows some men and women for different ministries in the body of Christ; that a disciple becomes a special minister because of special charisma; that God gave to the ecclesia, among others, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors (presbyters, bishops), teachers, and deacons.

  1. We believe and teach that the risen Lord Jesus Christ entrusted everyone of his disciples to spread, among all people groups in all places at all times, the good news that God was gracious to human beings who were in a state of alienation from God, and God forgives and creates a relationship of reconciliation and peace with everyone who with a repentant heart accepts God’s promise of redemption in and through Jesus Christ.

  1. We believe and teach that, for the common good, God continues to bestow spiritual gifts just as God did during the biblical times; that God continues to perform miracles, including the miracle of healing, and raising the dead; that God continues to endow men and women with the gift of prophecy through which God foretells of events.

  1. We believe and teach that civil government is of divine appointment, and that we are responsible to be good citizens; that should civil government command us to violate God’s Word, we must obey God rather than humans.

  1. We believe and teach the premillennial second coming of Jesus Christ; that he will return, first to resurrect the righteous dead and to catch away them and the living saints to him in the air, second to reign on the earth a thousand years.

  1. We believe and teach the resurrection and judgment of all the dead, the blessed eternal life for those who became righteous by faith, and eternal punishment for those who did not accept God’s offer of grace; that God will recreate everything; that there will be a new heaven and a new earth.